(Richardson, TX) – In response to a Declaration of Local Disaster by Dallas County, the City of Richardson is announcing the cancelation, postponement, and/or modifications to several municipal events in order to help limit the spread of COVID-19. The impacts are currently planned for programs, projects and services previously scheduled to take place between Friday, March 13, 2020 to Thursday, April 30, 2020.
The City of Richardson has modified, delayed, or cancelled the following through April 30, 2020:
- All
Richardson Civic Center events are cancelled
- 972-744-4090
- 411 W. Arapaho Rd., Richardson, TX
- All Eisemann Center events are cancelled
(***Eisemann customer service / gallery areas remain open***)
- 972-744-4650
- 2351 Performance Dr, Richardson, TX
- All Richardson Library programs are cancelled
(***Library facility remains open***)
- 972-744-4350
- 900 Civic Center Dr., Richardson, TX
- Richardson Municipal Court Jury Trials Postponed
(***Court Facility, Courtroom Hearings and Bench Trials, customer service area remain open***)
- 972-744-4500
- 2100 E Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX
- All Parks and Recreation Programs are cancelled
(***Facilities remain open / leagues are cancelled***)
- 972-744-4300
- All Senior Center programs are cancelled
(***Senior bus transit offering essential travel only***)
- 972-744-7800
- 820 W. Arapaho Rd.
- Special
- Trash Bash (April 11, 2020)
- Richardson Realtors Workshop (April 2, 2020)
- Richardson Neighborhood Leadership Workshop (April 21, 2020)
* Patrons with questions on specific programs at the above-mentioned facilities are encouraged to make contact to inquire about impacts.
Dallas County Announcement
On Thursday, March 12, 2020 Dallas County officials announced a Declaration of Local Disaster after finding evidence of “community spread” of COVID-19. Community spread is defined as infection in person(s) who reportedly did not have relevant travel history or exposure to another known patient with COVID-19.
The declaration includes a Community Gathering Order is effective 11 a.m. Friday, March 13, 2020 and includes the following:
- Prevents public or private gatherings of 500 people or more in Dallas County;
- Guidance that group gatherings of 250 or more are strongly discouraged but not legally prohibited;
- Guidance that groups of 10 or more people considered to be at “high risk” are strongly discouraged.
The Order is effective until 11 a.m. March 20, 2020, unless amended or superseded.
Guidance on Community Gatherings
While a COVID-19 outbreak could last for a long time, the guidance to prohibit large gatherings and discourage small gatherings is intended to help slow the spread of the disease. In doing so, stresses on local health professionals can be lessened and allow access for a wider number of people to gain access to healthcare professionals and facilities.
A “Community Gathering” is defined as any event or convening, subject to the exceptions and clarifications below:
Indoor Community Gathering
Event that brings together, or is likely to bring together, five-hundred (500) or more persons at the same time in a single room or other single confined or enclosed space, such as an auditorium, theater, stadium (indoor or outdoor), arena or event center, meeting hall, conference center, large cafeteria, or any other confined indoor or confined outdoor space.
Outdoor Community Gathering
Event that brings together, or is likely to bring together, five-hundred (500) or more persons at the same time in an enclosed area by a fence, physical barrier, or other structure and where people are present and they are within arm’s length of one another for extended periods.
Exceptions Allowed Under the Order
The Order does not prohibit gatherings of people in multiple, separate enclosed spaces in a single building such as a multiplex movie theater, school or office tower, so long as 500 people are not present in any single space at the same time. The Order also does not prohibit the use of enclosed spaces where 500 or more people may be present at different times during the day, so long as 500 or more people are not present in the space at the same time.
Exceptions also include spaces where 500 or more persons may be in transit or waiting for transit such as airports, bus stations or terminals; office space or residential buildings; grocery stores, shopping malls, or other retail establishments where large numbers of people are present but it is unusual for them to be within arm’s length of one another for extended periods; and hospitals and medical facilities.
At Risk Groups
Early information shows that some people are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness including older adults, and people who have serious chronic medical conditions.
- Vulnerable populations include people who are:
- 60
years old and older;
- People with certain health conditions such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney disease and weakened immune systems.
*For vulnerable populations, don’t go to gatherings (of 10 people or more) unless it is essential. Avoid people who are sick.
If you are at higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19, you should: stock up on supplies; take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others; when you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick; limit close contact and wash your hands often; and avoid crowds, cruise travel, and non-essential travel.
More on Richardson’s Response
The City has activated emergency plans to maintain staffing levels and provide essential services through thoughtful planning for several impact scenarios. The City has already implemented several operational changes to support first responders to safeguard our community from COVID-19 risks and continues to follow guidance from the CDC and other agencies as outlined in the City’s Emergency Management Plan. The plan is developed and coordinated through Richardson’s Office of Emergency Management and includes procedures for responding to the spread of airborne diseases like COVID-19.
There are everyday preventive measures that can be taken to reduce the spread of germs and help reduce the risk of transmission of respiratory infections such as this coronavirus.
The following are basic infection prevention measures the City is following:
- Increased cleaning schedule and sanitation efforts at all City facilities,
- Promoting hand washing and good hygiene in City facilities, restrooms, and counters,
- Instituted measures to reduce the social contact and minimize the possibility of exposure,
- Cancelling or postponing all large, non-essential events, modifying library and parks and recreation programming, and cancelling events typically attended by those 60+ per the CDC recommendations and Dallas County Health Department,
- Evaluating non-essential meetings for postponement,
- Reviewing our Emergency Management Plan to assess and identify current and future needs,
- Holding daily meetings and planning calls to provide updates and share best practices and concerns moving forward.
(All updates can be found on the City of Richardson’s COVID-19 news page at www.cor.net/coronavirus.)