Category: Environment

Storm Debris Collection Complete

The City’s contracted debris hauler and collection monitoring company completed collection of all remaining storm-related vegetative debris piles this weekend. Effective immediately, all normal Brush and Bulky Item Collection (BABIC) operations will resume, including the collection of brown compostable yard bags.

Lakes Near Capacity, But Water Conservation Continues 

July is Smart Irrigation Month nationally, and though the reservoirs that provide water to the member cities in the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), including Richardson, are at or near capacity thanks to our spring and early summer rainfall, residents are still urged to use smart irrigation practices, watering their lawns only when needed.

Protect Pets During “Dog Days of Summer” 

With 100-degree days expected to stay for a while, Animal Shelter staff and experts from Texas A&M AgriLife encourage Texans to incorporate precautions to protect pets from heat stress and help properly regulate their body temperature.
