Behind Hilton Garden Inn, 1001 President George Bush Turnpike 

Cost: Free 

Saturday, March 18  

8 a.m.-11 a.m. 

Volunteers are welcome every third Saturday each month to enjoy nature and assist master naturalists at the Canyon Creek Wetlands and Wildscape, a joint venture with the City of Richardson, as they work to restore the land to its original prairie state. Many species of birds visit the site year-round and the creek there serves as a “superhighway” for many species of wildlife. 

Third Saturday activities may include:  

  • Planting very specific types of plants and seeds that would have been found at the space decades ago 
  • Installing nesting boxes for eastern bluebirds, wood ducks and owls 
  • Building brush piles for wildlife habitat 
  • Removing flood debris/trash 
  • Creating small pathways to improve access for wildlife photography 
  • Removing invasive species of plants 
  • Participating in the rescue and replanting of native grasses from nearby areas that are under development 

No prior experience needed, but all volunteers must sign a City of Richardson waiver; group activities may be arranged outside of the Saturday workdays. 

Waiver form/more information:  Contact Julia Koch, [email protected] or (214) 226-2328