All Trash Bash Outdoor Activities Have Been Cancelled
Due to the possibility of severe weather for Saturday, April 13, all outdoor activities associated with the City’s Trash Bash have been cancelled. These include all activities planned for the City Hall parking lot and the electronics recycling and document shredding event at Richardson Square Mall.
City Hall Trash Bash After Party Will Take Place as Scheduled
The environmental expo inside the City Hall/Civic Center will take place as planned from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and includes exhibits, free recycling bags for Richardson residents and refreshments.
The event is open to the public and admission and parking are free.
CityLine After Bash Party Has Been Cancelled
The CityLine After Bash Party scheduled for Saturday, April 13 from 1-4 p.m. has been cancelled due to the anticipated weather.
For more information about Trash Bash, visit www.cor.net/TrashBash.