Did you know that there are 15 types of tarantulas found around Texas, and that none of them are venomous to humans? In case you spot one (they’re on the move right now, looking for mates and food), they may look ferocious, but they are considered “gentle giants” and a beneficial eater of insects, other spiders, snakes and more. Staff with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension recommend to just admire the fuzzy arthropods and leave them be, although be aware that they can bite and that they usually give warnings to “stay away,” including rearing up on their hind legs to appear bigger, kicking hairs off their abdomen and/or showing their fangs.  

In case of an in-home encounter, AgriLife staff recommend covering the tarantula with a glass and sliding paper underneath to move it. Note they are not jumpers. 

Though the likelihood of an encounter is higher in some parts of the state like Central and Southwest Texas, they are found all over. Mating season lasts through August. 

More information: Click here