The Richardson and Plano independent school districts are asking parents to be sure to look up the latest back-to-school information as the start of school draws near. Local campuses are already in the process of distributing school supplies and schedules, and deadlines for virtual or in-person instructional decisions were due this week. Teachers have also been undergoing preparations on how to start classes in the new electronic environment.

Classes start as early as next week for school-age children enrolled in the Richardson and Plano independent school districts, both of which serve portions of the community. With the rapidly changing situation with COVID-19, both districts have made the decision to start the 2020-21 school year in a completely virtual environment for all students. At this time, remote learning will be in effect through Labor Day, with the transition to the face-to-face learning taking place later that week for students who elected to go to school campuses. Instruction will continue online for students that have chosen to do so.

The first day of school for PISD (Collin County) is next week Wednesday, Aug. 12 followed by RISD (Dallas County) Wednesday, Aug. 19.

RISD back-to-school information:
PISD back-to-school information: