Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s Water University is making it easy for gardeners (and non-gardeners) to design and plant a garden that attracts butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and other pollinators with its latest UPlantIt garden-in-a-box. The Pollinator Garden includes three “plant-by-number” garden design layout options and 32 starter plants, both native and adaptive, that are tagged and numbered to correspond with the designs. The plants are hand-selected by Water University horticulturalists and are water-saving and proven to flourish in North Texas’ soils and unpredictable climate.
Order the Pollinator Garden online through Sept. 20 and pick up Sept. 26 between 8 a.m.-noon at one of four designated pick-up locations in the DFW area. Cost is $95.
Website: https://wateruniversity.tamu.edu/products/uplantit-gardens/