The Oncor Vegetation Management team will be trimming trees on some of our Plano West substation feeders in the City of Richardson starting this month.
The following are streets and highways affected by the trimming in the Canyon Creek HOA area.
- Canyon Creek Dr. @ Point North Pkwy.
- South side of Renner Rd. from Tam Oshanter Ln. east to Alma Rd.
- Canyon Brook Dr.
- Forest Grove Dr.
- High Brook Dr.
- Valley Cove Dr.
- Valley Ridge Dr.
- Alma Rd. from Renner Rd. south to Alamo Rd.
- Alamo Rd. from Alma Rd. south to Campbell Rd.
- NW Corner of Campbell @ Central Expwy.
- Southbound Central Expwy Service Road from West Coast University south to Campbell Rd.
- Estates of Richardson (West side)
- Greenside Dr.
- DART ROW from the Plano West substation west to Point North Pkwy.
- Timberview Ln.
- High Vista Dr.
- Glenfield Ct.
- Chapel Creek Ct.
- High Mesa Pl.
- KSC Rail ROW from Walnut Creek Pl. south to Custer Pkwy.
- Custer Pkwy. from White Cliff Ln. south to Campbell Rd.
- Campbell Rd. from Nantucket Dr. to Custer Pkwy.
Other streets and highways affected by the trimming include the following.
- DART ROW from behind Texas Instruments east to N. Central Expwy.
- Southbound N. Central Expwy. Service Road from PGBT south to Renner Rd.
- Renner Pkwy.
- South side of Renner Rd. from Renner Pkwy. east to Routh Creek Pkwy.
- DART ROW from Renner Rd. south to E. Lookout Dr.
- North side of Renner Rd. from Routh Creek Pkwy. east to Marathon Ave.
Oncor contractor ACRT will be contacting affected property owners and tagging doors or any property owners in advance of the trimming. Oncor contractor Lewis Tree Service will be doing the actual trimming.
Oncor uses directional pruning techniques and trims to industry standards and will be pruning those affected trees a minimum of 10 feet as a rule, however cuts could go as far back to the trunk in some cases so as not to jeopardize the health of the tree.
It is normal procedure for Oncor tree trimmers to use cuts in the shape of “V” or “L” or side trims depending on the proximity of the trees to their lines, or the type of tree.
Oncor contractors also properly clean utensils from oak tree to oak tree and they do paint the cuts that are made to the tree when the work is complete, however it is limited to oak trees only.
Visit for more information.