If you love music, dance and theater, making new friends and serving the community, then the Eisemann Center’s Encore! Volunteer Program might be a good fit for you. Volunteers age 16 and up serve as door greeters, ushers and ticket takers, as well as help with administrative duties if desired.
“Our volunteers are the backbone of the Eisemann Center,” said Pam Polsky, Assistant House Manager at the Eisemann Center and director of the Encore! program. “We couldn’t be as affordable to our clients and patrons without their service.”
No specific background is required to become a part of the Eisemann’s volunteer family—potential volunteers just need to have an interest and enthusiasm for the performing arts and a willingness to work with patrons in a friendly and respectful manner.
Polsky asks new volunteers to commit to at least two events per month for at least six months. The individual jobs are rotated on a regular basis to provide all volunteers with the same opportunities and experiences.
Currently, the Encore! volunteers represent a wide range of ages, including high schoolers, college students, families, middleaged working singles and couples, and retirees, who are especially helpful in covering events on weekdays. “Our oldest volunteer is 97,” marveled Polsky.
Volunteers are given the opportunity to earn rewards such as Eisemann Center Presents tickets for certain levels of hours logged. Once a year, there is a volunteer appreciation dinner at the Eisemann Center, on the Hill Performance Hall stage.
Polsky said Encore! can always use more volunteers, especially during the Eisemann Center’s busy fall and winter schedules, which includes more than 30 performances of “The Nutcracker” and other holiday shows.
For more information about volunteering and to apply, go to www.eisemanncenter.com/EisemannVolunteerProgram or contact Polsky at 972-744-4616.