Registration opened this week for the Richardson Police Department’s annual Summer Safety Camp, open to children who have completed kindergarten and have not yet started 4th grade. Eight weekly camp sessions will be held from 8:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Monday-Friday at Dartmouth Elementary School, 417 Dartmouth Ln. (children may attend only one session).  

Campers will learn about: 

  • 9-1-1 
  • stranger safety 
  • internet safety 
  • animal safety 
  • poison safety 
  • water safety 
  • and much more!  

Sessions begin June 2 and end the week of July 28. Cost is $20 per child, per week (includes camp T-shirt). Register here or through the website below. Note: Children of Richardson residents who have not attended Safety Camp in the past will be given first priority during registration.   


Email: [email protected]  

Contact: 972-744-4949