The Dallas County Master Gardener Association, sponsored by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, has published its August Garden Tasks List. The monthly lists help gardeners and those new to gardening stay on track for “what to do when.” Some of the tasks listed for August include:
- Install warm season turf grasses by late August to mid-September
- Plant ground covers and tropical and warm season annuals
- Plant fall flowering perennials
- Prune out any dead or broken branches of woody ornamentals (trees and shrubs) but avoid major pruning until the dormant season
- Prune bush roses and fertilize all roses according to soil test recommendation for fall blooming
- Watch for powdery mildew on cedar elms, crape myrtles, and euonymus and treat with fungicide if necessary
- Check pecan trees for aphids, shuck worms, webworms and foliage diseases
Help desk/free gardening advice: Send questions to [email protected]