The City Council approved $11.6 million in funding at Monday night’s Council meeting to complete the last phase of construction for the 825 Pressure Zone Water Capacity Improvements Project. The project includes expansion of Northside Pump Station (NSPS) II; construction of a new 5-million-gallon ground storage tank near NSPS, a new 30-inch City water line along Renner Road from NSPS to Alma Road, and a new North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) line from Custer Road west to NSPS, that’s jointly funded by the City and NTMWD. 

Prior to the funding approval, the Council got a project update by City staff, including a concept rendering showing the proposed look of the West Renner median, which is to be planted with ornamental trees and native plants (including Red Salvia and Yellow Zexmenia). Also, City staff told the Council that 50 additional hardwood trees would be planted nearby. 

The City’s waterline is expected to be partially in service later this month and fully complete in January 2024; remaining components of the project are expected to be completed during 2024 and 2025. 

Monday’s presentation: