Water payments, building inspection services and Brush and Bulky Item Collection returned to normal Thursday morning. The ability for customers to pay their water bill and file online documents with Building Inspection was impacted earlier this week when a fire at City Hall damaged the electronic systems associated with both processes.

Most City services traditionally handled at City Hall, including Water Customer Service and Building Inspection, have temporarily been relocated to the Ray Noah Municipal Court Building, 2100 E. Campbell Rd. Building hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday.
For water bills, there will be no late fees for customers impacted during the timeframe that systems were not operating. Customers may notice their bill arriving a few days later than normal.
- Late fees and service disconnections will resume Oct. 1, 2022.
- Drive-thru or night drop-off service at City Hall is not available.
- Payments made by check should be mailed to P.O. Box 831907 Richardson, TX 75083-1907.
As the City catches up on water utility billing, customers may see additional days of water usage on their next billing cycle as field service staff catch up on reading schedules. Customers using automated bank draft or credit card services with a due date the week of Aug. 21 will see their payments applied later than usual.
All water utility customers can pay their bill quickly and securely online by visiting www.cor.net/paybill. All online account data has been restored and there is no need to reset an existing account.
Anyone with questions or concerns about their water bill can contact Water Customer Service in-person at the Municipal Court, by phone at 972-744-4120 or through e-mail at [email protected].
Building Inspection, temporarily relocated to Municipal Court, has resumed processing permits and performing full building inspections. Users experienced errors earlier this week while attempting to submit an online building application. Any applications submitted between 3 a.m., Monday, Aug. 22 and 8 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 25 that resulted in charges to submitters accounts should contact Building Inspection at 972-744-4180 or by e-mail [email protected]. Building Inspection began reconciling erroneous charges Wednesday with customers directly.
Solid waste crews resume their regularly scheduled Brush and Bulky Item Collection routes Thursday morning. The computer system that handles the routing of trucks was damaged in the fire, so residents were not able to make requests and staff could not see requests that were previously made. Residents who need to make requests can do so online at www.cor.net/babic, through the MyRichardson app or by calling 972-744-4111.
Additional Information
Updates on service changes and other information related to impacts from the fire at City Hall will continue to be posted on the City’s website at www.cor.net and on the City’s Richardson Today social media channels. Media inquiries and other general questions can be sent to [email protected].
For additional information, visit https://www.cor.net/Home/Components/News/News/6537/73.