(Richardson, TX) – The Richardson Public Library will reopen its doors with limited access and modified operating hours beginning Tuesday, May 5. The opening of the Library follows new guidelines provided by Gov. Greg Abbott who announced plans last week (Monday, April 27) for a phased reopening of businesses and services that have been impacted by mandatory closures instituted to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
By way of Executive Order (GA-18) issued by Gov. Abbott, libraries may open under a 25 percent occupancy limitation, but interactive areas must remain closed. The order went into effect at midnight Friday, May 1 and supersedes all local ordinances.
The following procedures will be in place at the Library beginning Tuesday, May 5:
- Floor 1 will be partially opened under a modified schedule (see below). Public access to all other floors will remain restricted
- Floor 1 Operating Hours
- Mon. – Sat. (10 a.m. – 2 p.m.)
- Sun (2:30 – 5:30 p.m.)
- Only 25 patrons at a time will be allowed in the facility during operating hours
- Floor 1 services will be limited to first floor book displays, media (movies/music) and service areas for children and teens.
- Floor 1 Operating Hours
NOTE: Public access is limited to Richardson residents only (patrons must bring proof of residency)
- Curbside checkout service will operate according to the following schedule
- Mon. – Sat. (2:30 – 5:30 p.m.)
- Sun (no curbside service)
NOTE: No residency requirement for curbside checkout service
***Changes will remain in effect until further notice***
Other Impacts to Library Services
- If the facility is at capacity, patrons will be required to wait outside until space is available
- Sneeze guards have been installed at all staffed desk areas
- Floors have been taped to mark appropriate separation for social distancing
- Hand sanitizer has been placed for public use
- Credit card is currently the only accepted form of payment for late fees
- Checkouts are for 3 weeks with autorenewal kicking in on items with no holds
- Access to catalog/checkout computers limited to maintain social distancing
- Sanitizing of public areas will be performed nightly
(All updates can be found on the City of Richardson’s COVID-19 news page at www.cor.net/coronavirus.)