Ozone season began last week (it occurs annually March 1-Nov. 30 in North Texas) which means ground-level ozone is usually at its highest concentration during this time. Ground-level ozone is a common air pollutant that forms when certain organic compounds mix with sunlight and intense heat, and high levels can make being outside dangerous for young children, senior citizens and those with respiratory issues. Pollutants that contribute to the volume of ozone include vehicle and power plant emissions.
To help keep the air cleaner for everyone, the North Central Texas Council of Government’s Air North Texas division offers information on ways to reduce pollutants in our everyday activities, as well as a free program called Try Parking It, where you can log your “air friendly” activities online (such as carpooling and working from home) and earn rewards. Rewards are numerous and include free passes to local gyms and discounts at local restaurants and entertainment venues.
Website: www.airnorthtexas.org
Website: www.tryparkingit.com