Have you responded to the 2020 Census? There’s still time to complete your form before the Census Bureau begins in-person follow-up with non-responding residents in early August.
- Everyone Counts. The census counts every person living in the U.S. once, only once and in the right place. From newborns to grandparents, be sure to include everyone when filling out your form for your household.
- It’s in the Constitution. The U.S Constitution requires a census every 10 years.
- It’s about $675 billion. Census data determine how more than $675 billion are spent, supporting your state, country and community’s vital programs.
- It’s about redistricting. After each census, state officials use the results to redraw the boundaries of their congressional and state legislative districts, adapting to population shifts.
- Your privacy is protected. It’s against the law for the Census Bureau to publicly release your responses in any way that could identify you or your household. By law, your responses cannot be used against you and can only be used to produce statistics.
- Taking part is your civic duty. Completing the census is required: it’s a way to participate in our democracy and say “I COUNT!”
A complete and accurate count is critical for Richardson. The results of the 2020 Census will affect community funding, congressional representation, emergency services strategies, and more. Visit cor.net/census to find out more and 2020census.gov to fill out your form.
Current response rates as of July 31:
• Richardson – 65.2%
• Texas – 57.8%
• US – 62.8%