The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) will gather online public input beginning Sept. 9 regarding transportation projects and related air quality programs affecting the region. At the online input forum (www.nctcog.org/input), the following information will be posted for review and comment:
- a summary of NCTCOG’s planning tasks for transportation and air quality (known as the Unified Planning Work Program) and proposed modifications to the FY 2018-19 tasks
- a comprehensive list of funded transportation projects planned through 2022, including those with committed funds from federal, state and local sources
In addition, the site includes include information about National Drive
Electric Week; free engine code scans and multi-point vehicle checkups being
offered in October; and how to anonymously report a smoking vehicle through the
Regional Smoking Vehicle Program.
Anyone with questions or comments is encouraged to provide input through Oct.