After a year of collecting data and public input, Parks Department staff presented the final draft of the City’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan at Monday’s City Council work session for a final review by the Council. The Master Plan guides the development and redevelopment of parks and recreation resources and serves as the primary planning guide for prioritizing future projects and programming. Richardson updates the plan every five years (and re-writes it every 10) in order to qualify for grant funding opportunities as well as to keep up with changing facility conditions and space needs.  

Major proposed initiatives, which were given a high priority by the public in an online survey and through 10 in-person “visioning sessions,” include:  

  • Expand key trail connections 
  • Invest in an Aquatics Facilities Master Plan 
  • Creatively add more inclusive play features as part of playground updates 
  • Implement a holistic signage program (to include cultural history and natural resource information) 
  • Maintain high-quality recreation centers and services 

The City Council is expected to adopt the Plan at a future meeting. 

More information: Feb. 20 presentation