The City Council adopted a resolution Monday approving rate adjustments for Atmos Gas, effective for bills issued on or after Dec. 1, 2020. Residential customers will see their monthly customer charge increase by 70 cents and the consumption charge (per cubic feet of gas, or Ccf) increase by about 9 cents. Commercial customers will see an increase of about $8 in their monthly customer charge, and about 2 cents per Ccf. The increase was determined after a review by the Atmos Cities Steering Committee (ACSC).
Richardson is an active participant in the ACSC, a coalition of 171 cities that work together to address gas rate issues and share gas costs as part of an annual “Rate Review Mechanism” agreed upon with Atmos Mid-Tex. In March, Atmos requested $141.2 million in additional revenue system-wide. The ACSC Executive Committee, as well as ACSC’s counsel and consultants, investigated the request and found that a $90 million increase was justified/applicable to ACSC members.