Richardson City Secretary Aimee Nemer has certified the submitted applications for candidates running for Richardson’s City Council seats in May after the filing period for candidates ended Feb. 14, and the certified ballot was announced earlier this week. Prior to Monday’s City Council meeting, a drawing for order of appearance on the ballot took place to determine the order of names on the ballot for all opposed positions.
The list of certified candidates, including the names for uncontested seats, is below in the order they will appear on the ballot:
City Council Place 1 – Unopposed
Curtis Dorian
City Council Place 2 – Unopposed
Jennifer Justice
City Council Place 3 – Unopposed
Dan Barrios
City Council Place 4 – Unopposed
Joe Corcoran
City Council Place 5 – Unopposed
Ken Hutchenrider
City Council Place 6
Arefin Shamsul
Lisa Marie Kupfer
Mayor (Place 7)
Alan C. North
Amir Omar
Bob Dubey
The date set for the municipal City Council election for the expiring terms of the Mayor and all six City Council members is Saturday, May 3, 2025. First day of early voting is April 22.