Drama: “Bent” Begins April 22 University Theatre, 800 W. Campbell Rd. Tickets: $15, Bent – Comet Calendar (utdallas.edu) Note: The April 21 performance is free and not ticketed. April 22-30 Thursdays-Saturdays at 8 p.m.
Theatre UTD presents the 1979 play by Martin Sherman that revolves around the persecution of gays in Nazi Germany, taking place during and after the Night of the Long Knives. Content warning: Contains strong themes and language, as well as the use of fog/haze and strobe lights.
Film Screening: “John Wilcox: The Relinquishment of Time” April 21 Jonsson Performance Hall, 800 W. Campbell Rd. Admission: Free (RSVP to Pierrette; [email protected]) Thursday, April 21 5-7 p.m.
A 2021 documentary that explores the question, “When an artist dies, what happens to their artwork?” This is the story of one man’s journey to posthumously archive and exhibit his brother’s artistic estate, and a window into the personal motives behind minimalist art. A reception follows the screening. Website: Film Screening: John Wilcox: The Relinquishment of Time – Comet Calendar (utdallas.edu)