Absentee ballot by mail (ABBM) requests are currently being accepted by mail and in person for the Nov. 3 election—to be eligible to vote early by mail in Texas, you must be one of the following:
- 65 years or older on Election Day
- Disabled
- Away from the county in which you’re registered to vote on Election Day and during the period of in-person early voting
- Confined to jail but otherwise eligible
Requests to vote early by mail must be received (not postmarked) by Oct. 23 by the early voting clerk of the county in which you’re registered. Once received, a ballot is mailed to the voter, and after filling it out, the voter mails it back to the clerk.
Deadlines vary for when a completed ballot must be received by the clerk; for more information and to print out an ABBM request, click here.
The deadline to register to vote is Oct. 5; registration applications may be found at the Library and City Hall.
Website: www.votetexas.gov