Beginner 3D Printing Tomorrow 
Millwood Creek Room, 2360 Campbell Creek Blvd., Suite 500
Admission: Free (registration required; for adults with valid RPL card only)
Saturday, Dec. 14
10:30 a.m.-noon  

An introduction to 3D printing using Tinkercad software. This is a hands-on class where participants will learn to:  

  • Navigate through Tinkercad’s main 3D design resources   
  • Manipulate Tinkercad’s basic geometric shapes   
  • Export a 3D model for printing   
  • Print on the Library’s 3D printer  

Event Link: Click Here 

Registration/more information: 972-744-4355 

Nite! Nite! Bedtime Stories Monday 
Youth Services Storytime Room, 2360 Campbell Creek Blvd., Suite 500
Admission: Free
Monday, Dec. 16
7-7:30 p.m.  

Children ages 3-7 are invited to wind down with songs, books, flannels and other bedtime activities. Wear your favorite comfy pajamas and bring a stuffed animal along!    

Event Link: Click Here