Air North Texas, a division of the North Central Texas Council of Governments, has designated today, June 7, as 2024 Clean Air Action Day, and is encouraging everyone to commit to doing at least one thing regularly to help improve air quality. Mindful air habits are especially important on Ozone Action Days, when inhaling ground-level ozone is particularly dangerous for people who have asthma or respiratory problems.

Some suggested habits from NCTCOG:

  • Combine trips around town to reduce driving; consider biking, walking and carpools; shop locally
  • Consider an electric or other alternative fuel lawn mower
  • Reduce idling (It’s a myth that idling is better for your car than turning it off and on again when waiting in a line—click here for more information.)

Share how you’re cleaning the air by filling out the form at the link below, and by using the hashtag #CAAD2024 on social media and tagging Air North Texas (@NCTCOGtrans).
