Staff presented final concepts from the Richardson CORE District’s rebranding initiative at Monday’s City Council work session. The initiative team worked with CORE merchants in 2021 on refreshing the District’s logo and overall branding (first rolled out in 2018) and created logos/branding for the CORE’s five “sub-districts” (Lockwood, Heights, Downtown, Chinatown and Interurban). The new logos share design characteristics, but have unique elements that reflect the history and identity of each area.
The rebranding efforts are in line with ongoing City Council goals to create a positive return on City, resident and stakeholder investments and will assist in marketing and identification of the District by the City and by District merchants. The new logos are now visible at the CORE District’s website and will also be used on pole banners (beginning in Downtown), sign toppers, wayfinding signs and in promotions for CORE District special events.