Staff from the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) gave a comprehensive update to the City Council Monday, outlining water supply, wastewater treatment, handling of solid waste, and discussing current and future projects as well as projected costs.

Of note:

  • Texas’ newest lake, Bois d’Arc Lake, began supplying water to the region in March, treated at the new Leonard treatment plant.
  • Several NTMWD projects are underway in Richardson, including construction of a new storage tank near the Bush Turnpike/Lookout Drive intersection, improvements at pump stations, and improvements and expansions at wastewater lift stations.
  • The wholesale water rate for NTMWD member cities is projected to increase from $3.39 per 1,000 gallons to $3.77 (an 11 percent increase) in 2024, due to increases in construction costs, interest rates and historic highs in water treatment chemical costs.

NTMWD was created by the Texas Legislature in 1951 and serves 13 member cities, including Richardson, a service area of 2,200 square miles.

Monday’s presentation: Click here