Labor Day is Monday, Sept. 7 and we want to remind you that there will be no trash, recycling or Brush and Bulky Item Collection (BABIC) service. There will be no make-up days for trash collection and BABIC, but we will have make-up days for recycling. If your normal recycle collection is on Monday, Sept. 7, the make-up day will be Tuesday, Sept. 8 and if your normal recycle collection is on Tuesday, Sept. 8, the make-up day will be Wednesday, Sept. 9.
We also want to let you know that Richardson City Hall/Civic Center offices will be closed on Labor Day, as well as the Richardson Animal Shelter, Municipal Court, Gymnastics Center, Eisemann Center, Richardson Public Library, and Heights and Huffhines Recreation Centers. Richardson’s Tennis Court will be open from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sherrill Park Golf Course will remain open during the holiday.