With weather expected to be sunny and mild this weekend, it’s a good time to plant warm season flowers, prune back overgrown ground cover, and remove winter damage from shrubs and other ornamentals. The Dallas County Master Gardeners Association (DCMGA) includes those recommendations in its list of March Garden Tasks available at the group’s website—here are a few more: 

  • Divide and replant fall flowering plants such as asters and mums
  • Plant cool season flowers such as daisies, dianthus and geraniums (mid to late March)
  • Plant spinach, radishes, and lettuce, through mid-April
  • Continue to protect tender plants from late freezes—the average date of “last freeze” in Dallas County is March 21-31

Remember that if you don’t mulch your leaves to be left on your lawn, you can place them in compostable bags and call the City’s BABIC service for collection. BABIC also picks up large piles of brush and tree limbs.

DCMGA Website: Click here
BABIC Information: www.cor.net/babic  BABIC request line: 972-744-4111