At Monday’s City Council meeting, the Richardson Fire Department was again recognized as one of the top departments in the state and nation when it was awarded the ISO 1 rating by the Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office and the Insurance Services Office. The rating reflects the overall effectiveness of fire protection in a community and allows residential and commercial property owners the opportunity to obtain the best possible insurance rates.  

Fifty percent of the ISO evaluation scoring is based on the overall Fire Department (staffing, equipment, training and emergency response capabilities), while water supply accounts for 40 percent, and the City’s fire alarm/communications system (911 dispatch center) accounts for the final 10 percent. During the presentation, the City was commended for exceeding its previous score, especially in the areas of training and water supply, in spite of Richardson’s population growth.      

Richardson has held its ISO 1 rating since 2014. 
To view the presentation, click here.