The Richardson Police Department (RPD) is hosting its annual “Can Do” Food Drive this Saturday, Sept. 18, from 8 a.m.-noon in front of police headquarters, 200 N. Greenville Ave. Simply drive up, and officers will be standing by to unload your donations. Food collected will benefit the clients of Network of Community Ministries.
Shelf stable items needed include:
- box meal mixes such as mac and cheese
- canned fruit (any variety)
- canned meat (chicken, chili, tuna, etc.)
- canned pasta (ravioli, pasta rings, etc.)
- jelly, jams and other fruit spreads
- peanut butter
Each year, RPD holds the food drive during, or in the month prior to, National Night Out (NNO), an annual community-building/crime prevention event held in October that helps neighborhoods strengthen ties among its residents and with police. This year’s NNO is scheduled for Oct. 5.
Website: www.cor.net/nno