During Monday’s City Council work session, members of the Richardson Police Department (RPD) Community Relations Unit were recognized by RPD Chief Gary Tittle and the City Council for their successful efforts in coordinating the 2022 National Night Out event. Richardson was awarded first place in the nation for the event among its population category (100,000-300,000) by the National Association of Town Watch, the second time for Richardson to receive that achievement in that category. Chief Tittle also thanked the Fire Department, Parks Department and community for all their involvement and support.
The award is given based on citizen participation, law enforcement involvement, organization and quality of activities. Richardson’s 2022 event took place Oct. 4 in local parks and neighborhoods, and featured group gatherings and block parties visited by costumed characters, first responders and local dignitaries. Richardson has participated in the annual National Night Out for 33 years.
Website: www.cor.net/NNO