Police Chief Gary Tittle gave the Richardson Police Department’s 2024 Annual Review at Monday’s City Council meeting. The review gives a comprehensive look at the department over the past year, including staffing, recruiting, community engagement activities, equipment upgrades, new programming and Richardson crime statistics and trends.   


  • Total violent and property crimes were down 15.4 percent over the previous year, including a 49.6 percent drop in theft of vehicle parts, a 48 percent drop in sexual assaults, a 45.2 percent drop in burglary of a habitation and a 16 percent drop in auto theft. This overall total continues a downward trend that began in 2022. 
  • Chief Tittle credited not only police staff for this reduction but cited community efforts such as Crime Watch Patrol; he also credited a new data-driven approach to safety started in 2024 that uses data to identify and address crime and traffic issues in order to place officers in the “right place at the right time.”  

Complete presentation: Click here