The North Central Texas Council of Governments is offering several ideas for celebrating Halloween at home in an eco-friendly way on its Air North Texas blog. Some of the ideas include:

  • Watch your favorite Halloween movies. Staying at home will reduce the number of cars on the road and allow you time to make and enjoy some homemade Halloween treats to eat while you watch.
  • Make your own eco-friendly decorations. Ditch the inflatables and plastic skeletons and replace them with reusable and recyclable options.
  • Don’t let pumpkins go to waste. Halloween pumpkins can be used for cooking as long they haven’t been painted, which makes them unsafe for consumption.
  • Make your Halloween costume out of recyclable materials or old clothes, an easy way to help the environment by avoiding a trip to the store and reducing the dangerous type of ozone in our atmosphere.

For links to ideas for eco-friendly decorations and costumes, as well as ways to use pumpkins after Halloween, click here