Many of Richardson’s parks offer picturesque views and a number of good backdrops for photographs and videos, which is why local parks are popular locations for amateur, professional and commercial photographers and videographers, as well as sites for photographs of school events or sports teams.

While normally not an issue, there are times of the year when a substantial number of photographers have dominated popular park features like bridges and waterfalls, causing safety concerns and blocking these amenities from public access. Some also bring large props (such as sofas and chairs) for photo sessions and trash or other items are being left behind afterwards.

To address these concerns, signs have been placed along some of the city’s most picturesque areas and a website and pamphlet have been created, specifically for distribution to local photographers.

We also ask anyone who is visiting the park to take photos or videos (professional or amateur), to please help us maintain a positive park experience for everyone, as well as the integrity of our parks by following the guidelines at