Though the Library’s first floor is now open and curbside check-out continues, another “social distancing” option for readers of all ages is the “Little Free Library” (LFL) located outside the Library on the north side, in the Friends Reading Garden. The tiny “library in a box” offers a small collection of books that are available at all times on a free “take a book, return a book” basis (you may return the same book or a different book of your choosing to keep the collection “fresh”).

More than a dozen Little Free Libraries are located in Richardson, part of a national LFL initiative started in Wisconsin in 2009. The nonprofit Friends of the Richardson Public Library, which provided the mini-library in the Friends Reading Garden, has a map on its website of the locations of the LFLs in Richardson and the surrounding area, and offers free do-it-yourself LFL kits to homeowners and neighborhood associations.
