With mild daytime temperatures predicted for the coming weeks, it’s the perfect time to get outside and do some pruning. Texas AgriLife Extension’s Earth Kind Landscaping program states that in general, the best time to prune most plants is during late winter or early spring before new growth begins. But there’s a wrong way and a right way to prune, and the program offers free, helpful online pruning tips to avoid damaging trees and shrubs and preventing disease. Click here to access the information.

Don’t forget that once you have a large number of limbs or shrubbery, pile them at your front curb and call the City’s Brush and Bulky Item Collection service (BABIC) to request a pick-up. Make sure to let BABIC know you have yard material to be picked up for composting and mulch, to keep the items out of the landfill. The compost and mulch are sold to area residents at a discount. Note: Be sure to keep brush and limb piles separate from other BABIC items such as appliances.

Website: www.cor.net/BABIC
