Bruster’s Ice Cream, 710 W. Renner Rd., Suite 202
Admission: Free (ice cream treats available for purchase)
Monday, March 24
3-4:30 p.m.  

Join the Richardson Police Department for a sweet treat—cool off and chat with local officers.  

More information: View event listing or call 972-744-4955.

Tip-a-Cop at Fish City Grill Tuesday 
Fish City Grill, 1415 E. Renner Rd., Suite 260
Tuesday, March 25
11 a.m.-8 p.m.  

Richardson Police Officers are holding a fundraiser for Special Olympics Texas at Fish City Grill. Fifteen percent of all sales will go to Special Olympics Texas, and officers will also be selling Special Olympics hats and T-shirts. Special Olympics Texas is a year-round movement that provides sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. To make a donation, click here