There are only a few more days left to make a nomination in the 2022 Community Revitalization Awards, the City’s annual awards that recognize property owners who have enhanced the community by making significant improvements to their properties. Nominations are due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 2.  

Revitalization projects eligible for nomination include:  

  • Dramatic improvements to properties or structures that halt or reverse decline  
  • An exemplary level of refurbishment that prevents decline before it begins  
  • Total redevelopment of a property or structure—i.e. “tear-down/rebuild”  
  • Infill development—exemplary new development on a vacant parcel in an older neighborhood or district  

More than 300 properties have been recognized since the program’s creation by the City Council in 1994.  

Website: Nomination Form and More Information  

Call: 972-744-4240  
E-mail: [email protected] - Keith Krum, Development Services Department