Even if you’re not a professional photographer, there’s a place for you in the City’s annual photo contest. Begun as a community photography class at Huffhines Recreation Center in the early ‘80s, it’s an opportunity for any photographer, both resident and nonresident, to show off their best photos. This year’s contest closes in a few days, on Sunday, Jan. 28.
Photos can measure a minimum of 48 square inches, maximum 16” x 20”. (For a list of subject categories, click here). Photos must be submitted mounted on 16” x 20” foam core board, as well as submitted by email in JPEG form.
Printed entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Jan. 28 at Huffhines Recreation Center, 200 N. Plano Rd.
Winners will be recognized at an awards ceremony Feb. 22 at the Eisemann Center, with the winning photos displayed at Huffhines Recreation Center Feb. 3-20.
Entry form/more information: www.cor.net/photocontest