Project consultants gave a presentation at Monday’s City Council meeting regarding feedback received last fall during Community Summit 2 as part of the City’s Comprehensive Plan Update, a.k.a. Envision Richardson. Envision Richardson will provide clear goals, objectives and policies for development and redevelopment in Richardson for the next 20-25 years.  

Monday’s presentation focused on Richardson’s 10 “PlaceTypes” (i.e. Neighborhood Residential, Community Commercial, etc.) and highlighted the community’s top preferences for secondary land use and “missing middle” housing that could be allowed within the 10 PlaceTypes. Missing middle housing includes fourplexes, bungalow courts and other small-to-mid-size structures that have been “missing” in many communities through zoning since the mid-1940s.   

Also discussed was the community’s vision for five economic reinvestment areas (West Campbell Road, West Arapaho Road, Belt Line/Plano, West Spring Valley and Belt Line/Bowser).  

After receiving feedback from the Council, the consultant team will make any revisions needed and seek additional feedback at next week’s Neighborhood Leadership Workshop and via Community Summit 3, taking place June 7-July 7.  

Monday’s presentation: Click here 

Summary of all community feedback received to date: