The U.S. Census Bureau recently announced the launch of address canvassing, the first major field operation of the 2020 Census. Address canvassing improves and refines the Census Bureau’s address list of households nationwide, which is necessary to deliver invitations to respond to the Census. Sixty-five percent of all addresses have already been verified using specially designed software that incorporates satellite imagery, and Census Bureau employees (known as “listers”) have started walking through neighborhoods across the country, including Richardson, checking on the 35 percent of addresses not verified. 

To help identify themselves as listers, employees have badges, bags and laptops indicating their affiliation with the Census Bureau (people may also ask them for a picture ID from another source to confirm their identity). They will knock on doors and ask a few simple questions to verify the address and any additional living quarters on the property for inclusion in the Census. If the lister does not find anyone at home, they will verify or update address information by observation.

The canvassing will continue through mid-October. For more information, including a video with images of a lister badge and gear, visit