- Drama “Phoebe in Winter” Continues
8 p.m. in the University Theatre,
Thursdays-Saturdays through Feb. 29. Tickets are $15. (Visit www.utd.edu/ah/events
to purchase online.)
The play, written by Jen Silverman, focuses on three brothers who are preparing
to settle into their old lives after returning home from a distant war. But a
knock at the door yields a girl named Phoebe who accuses them of killing her
own three brothers and demands that they must become her new family instead.
- Free Lecture Feb. 26: “ZIP Codes, Genetic Codes and
Envisioning an Equitable Culture of Health”
7:30 p.m.-9 p.m. in the Jonsson Performance Hall. Admission is free.
Dr. Sean Valles, associate professor at Michigan State University, explores the adage “your health depends more on your ZIP code than your genetic code” with a look at questions such as, “What sense can we make of the tangled evidence about what is causing health problems among the U.S. population? Ethically, which strategies deserve to be prioritized in addressing those problems?”