Seasonal Success: Designing and Creating Your Ideal Yard
Richardson City Hall, City Council Chamber, 2360 Campbell Creek Blvd. Suite 525
Admission: Free
Saturday, March 30
10:30 a.m.-noon
Join the Richardson Public Library to hear from North Texas Master Naturalists Sean and Chrissy Cortez-Mathis as they discuss design elements when looking at our landscapes, how to create spaces that people can enjoy both inside and outside the home and the wonderful plants and creatures you discover when you bring native plants into your yard. Free seeds will be available while supplies lasts. This event is for adults and teens.

Fine Motor Monday
Storytime Room, Richardson Public Library
Admission: Free, ticket required
Monday, April 1
3:30-4:30 p.m.
For ages 3-5. Have fun participating in fine motor activities to prepare for preschool and kindergarten. Visit several stations around the room with your grownup! Children must be accompanied by an adult. Free ticket required. Pick up tickets at the Youth Services Help Desk starting at 2:45 p.m. Monday, April 1.