Entry forms available at Huffhines Recreation Center, 200 N. Plano Rd., or online here
Cost per entry: $10 ($5 for students)
Jan. 7-22
Huffhines Hours: M-F 6 a.m.-10 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
The annual contest is divided into three competition groups: Students (high school age and younger), Amateur Adult (college age and beyond), and Proficient Adult (proficient in the art of photography).
Photos must be at least 48 square inches and a maximum of 16” x 20”, mounted on 16” x 20” white foam core. Two color photos and two black and white photos are allowed per entrant per category—there are 13 categories including Architecture, Pets, and People and a brand-new category in honor of Richardson’s 150th birthday: “For the Love of Richardson.”
Results will be posted online Jan. 27; winners will be recognized at an awards ceremony Feb. 16.
Website: www.cor.net/photocontest