If you’ve noticed swaths of color starting to appear on medians and along roadsides, it’s just the start of thousands of blooms that pop up in the City each spring, thanks to the City’s annual wildflower planting program. Since 1990, the Parks and Recreation Department has been planting wildflower seeds across Richardson, making the City one of the most picturesque in North Texas.
Some of the best locations in the City for wildflower photo opps are usually near City Hall, the Library and at several City parks. If you plan to get outside to take some wildflower photos, please keep the following in mind:
- Observe social distancing guidelines.
- As per City Ordinance 235-A, do not pick or damage the wildflowers: they are here for everyone’s enjoyment!
- If you’re taking photos in a City park, follow the City’s photography guidelines found at www.cor.net/photography.
Website: www.cor.net/departments/parks-recreation/community-programs/operation-bloom-town