City consultants gave an update at Monday’s City Council work session on the Solid Waste Master Plan (SWMP) draft, which has been under development since October 2023. Once finalized, the SWMP will guide the future of the City’s solid waste services for the next 20 years.   

Monday’s presentation gave a more detailed look at some of the draft’s short-term and long-term recommendations presented to the Council in November 2024, including cost impacts and an implementation timeline. The recommendations involve phased improvements to trash and recycling collection in areas including staffing, scheduling, equipment/vehicles, collection methods and educational outreach. Recommendations regarding multifamily recycling, commercial recycling, construction/demolition debris collection and the City’s Recycling Drop-off Location were also detailed. 

After receiving City Council input, City staff and consultants plan to present a final SWMP report to the Council later this month. 

Monday’s presentation/more information: Click here