City staff presented an update at Monday’s joint meeting of the City Council and City Plan Commission regarding the progress of the Envision Richardson Comprehensive Plan Update, a document that will guide future development within the City. Monday’s presentation featured the results of Community Summit 3, the third and final round of community engagement prior to public hearings on the draft plan. The Summit included an online survey, two community open houses, and several “meeting-in-a-box” discussions (self-guided, small-group meetings).
There were approximately 1,070 individual interactions with Richardson stakeholders during this third engagement round, with the survey being completed full or in part by a total of 640 individuals and 90 people attending the open houses. The Summit gathered preferences on land uses and “Missing Middle Housing” options for PlaceTypes, the building blocks of Richardson’s Future Land Use plan. In addition, the Summit gathered feedback on the visions for five Reinvestment Areas, as well as Mobility and Natural Environment priorities.
Feedback received Monday from the City Council and City Plan Commission will be incorporated into a final draft report to be presented in October, with final adoption of the Plan scheduled for December.
Monday’s presentation: Click here
Data from all Community Summits: