Residents should expect an increase in sightings of wildlife such as coyotes and bobcats the next few months during their mating season. They rarely pose a threat to humans, however, domesticated pets, such as small dogs and cats, could be at risk if left alone outside or taken off a leash.

If your pets must be kept outdoors, they should be in a secure fenced area, however experts remind people that bobcats can climb trees and fences. They can also jump up to 12 feet. Coyotes can jump over a five-foot fence. It’s also recommended to feed pets inside. If they are fed outside, remove food bowls between feedings.

If you happen to see a bobcat or coyote, try and scare it away by creating loud noises. You can do so by clapping your hands, shouting or banging on pots and pans. It is much safer if they remain fearful of humans. You can also make other small changes to encourage the animals to relocate.

  • Close or patch openings in fence.
  • Do not feed wildlife. Richardson Animal Services staff only trap wildlife that are acting abnormally aggressive and/or are ill and at high risk of having or spreading rabies (such as skunks and raccoons).

Healthy wildlife are welcome in the City as they connect us with nature and keep the rest of the pest populations such as rodents and insects in check.

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