City Manager Don Magner has filed the City’s proposed budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year, which includes a tax rate not seen since 2006.  

The complete operating budget, presented at Monday’s City Council work session, totals $406,078,754, an increase of $7,074,458, or 1.8 percent, over this year’s budget. It lowers the current property tax rate by almost 1.9 cents to $.054218. The Senior Tax Exemption would also be increased to $145,000.  

Two public hearings will be available for community input prior to adoption of the proposed budget, with hearings set in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 2360 Campbell Creek Blvd. Ste. 525, beginning at 6 p.m. on the following dates:  

  • Tax rate hearing Monday, Sept. 9 
  • Budget hearing Monday, Sept. 16  

The Council will vote on the budget Sept. 16. If adopted, it would take effect Oct. 1, 2024.  

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